Dealing with the death of a family member can be a sad and difficult time. Having a celebration of life for the loved one in the church may help to bring comfort and closure for the family. You do not need to be a member of the church to have a celebration of life or funeral at Midhurst United Church. Please call the church to speak with the minister to decide if Midhurst United Church is the right choice for you. Depending upon your needs, the minister is available to help plan and lead a service with members of the family. The minister may also lead a service off-site if that is the choice of the family.
At Midhurst United Church, a funeral is held in the Large Sanctuary. The immediate family also has access to a separate room (Family Room) prior to the service. Additional rooms with audio broadcast can be arranged. If the family wishes to arrange for a caterer to hold a reception at the church following the service, it is possible to rent the reception hall and use of the kitchen.
$300 – Minister – includes pre-funeral discussions and preparation
$150 – Custodian
$300 – Large Sanctuary and Family Room. (Additional rooms can be set up with audio broadcast for an additional fee.)
$100 – Reception Hall and use of the Kitchen (if the family wishes to hold a reception and provide outside catering.)